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  • Writer's pictureJohn Patota

Shoot From Your Heart

A close look at any photographer's work will reveal something about them.

That’s because most of us make photos of what we love. We want to document beautiful things around us, to share them with others or to relive memories years from now. But we don’t take photos of just anything, just the people and places we love.

What does your camera roll look like? Most likely, it has photos of beautiful vistas, happy people and interesting things. The Camera Looks Both Ways

One of my favorite professional photographers is Rick Sammon. “The camera looks both ways: in picturing the subject, you are also picturing a part of yourself. In other words, you are a mirror. The mood, the energy, the feeling and the emotion that you project are reflected by the subject”.

I think of Rick's quote when I look at Leslie Kern’s photography. Leslie is an amateur photographer originally from Fayetteville, North Carolina. Her photos always convey an emotion, a mood. When you bring back a feeling for your viewers, that’s when you know it’s a fabulous photo.

Images by Leslie Kern, using with permission.
Images by Leslie Kern, used with permission.

Leslie became interested in photography in 2014 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. "My husband saw pictures of where another husband documented his wife’s journey through pictures. At the time my daughters were only 5 and 9 and thought it was important to tell my story through pictures for them."

"Since, I have recovered and the significance of a photograph has stayed with me. I love how people can see what you see through a picture. I love how stories can be told and how pictures “freeze time” and create a permanence."

Trust your intuition as you walk around with your camera. Stop and listen to your inner voice. Then, put a little part of yourself in the photo.

Photo Assignment:

Put a little part of yourself in each photo you take.

Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day

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14 févr. 2020

The camera looks both through

Happy Valentine Day !

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